Magpie (Europe) Ltd is the manufacturer of the GemTAGS brand of jewellery labels. We are an accredited supplier to The British Jewellers Association, and in the last year become a supplier to the National Association of Goldsmiths, The Houlden Group and The National Pawnbrokers Association.
Magpie is a British manufacturer specialising in jewellery labelling solutions, offering clients a choice of standard jewellery labels or bespoke labels to client requirements. All the GemTAGS labels are manufactured in the United Kingdom.
We have introduced many new clients to labelling and stock control and give immediate technical support for any issues that may need addressing.

We are now also supplying a number of software companies who were previously importing labels from overseas, who have turned to Magpie because of the service and quality that we offer.
Gemtags is a leading brand of jewellery labels and offers exceptional quality, value and service, providing high quality labelling to the jewellery industry, and supplying over 25 countries.
“GemTAGS is a leading global brand of JEWELLERY TAGS and offers exceptional quality, value and service, providing high quality labelling to the jewellery industry.
Bringing together a combination of over 30 years of skills and experience, GemTAGS products and services offer a unique competitive advantage in jewellery labelling.
Consumables including plain and printed labels which are suitable for most thermal transfer printers, and are extremely durable and resistant to ultra-sonic cleansing, and will not peel or fade under cabinet lighting.”